Old bloodlines

Naturally gaited

Sane & sound

​Using horse


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We are set up with a PayPal account.

Send payment toinfo@IHWHA.com, please add 4% to the total to cover PayPal’s charges. Canadian customers – our bank will not accept checks from Canadian banks. The funds must be drawn from US banks or send a POSTAL money order.


IHWHA's goal is breeding back to the old time Walking Horse. The Walking Horse that could truly walk a hole in the ground. A versatile horse that is a family horse, can be used for light farm work, ridden for pleasure and will do well at an occasional show.​

IHWHA will only accept barefoot and keg shod horses that can perform a running walk without any gait enhancement. Naturally, how it was originally intended. 

Membership has its advantage

Join IHWHA today and receive our bi-monthly electronic newsletter with the latest news about Heritage Walking Horses. As a member you receive one free foal registration or transfer per year.

Your IHWHA registered horse is the only registered Walking Horse that is certified with proven signature gaits. By registering your horse with IHWHA you help establish the breed by preserving old bloodlines to ensure Walking Horses with proven natural gaits for the future.

Our promise

Member services